Saturday, June 10, 2006

Retail Therapy Update trip to the LYS. I really am not a big fan of that shop and kinda have to talk myself into going there. So no yarn fondling there. I did browse around the internet a bit for some Bearfoot, but somehow it wasn't jumping at me. I was rather surprised at myself, actually. I just couldn't decide on colours. I love my blues and greens, but that describes the vast majority of my stash, and I thought maybe I should start branching out my colour scheme a bit. I have some potential colourways (of course, I would not turn down any of them), but I would like to see them irl before buying. All is not lost, however. I was reply to someone on the KR Forums and, for some strange reason, Socks That Rock popped into my head and suddenly I had to have some. So I went over to Blue Moon Fibers and somehow magically ended up with a skein of Seal Rock and a skein of Scottish Highlands in my shopping cart. No idea how that happened...hope that it comes soon, though...cuz I really really need sock yarn! (*rolls eyes but giggles anyway*)

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