Saturday, April 29, 2006

Weekend Quickie

So, very quickly, before I have to run and figure out who can cover a sick mic runner's track for two performances today and make sure that the rest of my cast and crew is healthier than they were yesterday (we sent one crew member home, another was sick, and two swings went on in modified tracks due to injured arms for their overstudies, oy! Not to mention that last night was apparently pant-ripping-night and kept the poor wardrobe people hopping. Geez!), I did indeed CO for Rogue last night. (No pics yet. Think of a CO row and one row of twisted stockinette in the round in a heathery medium blue. That's all there is so far.) I was so nervous about it, I don't know why. I re-swatched (not only did I swatch for a project, but I swatched TWICE for a project!) and am spot on for gauge. Still needed a glass of wine before I could actually do the CO. (BTW, I cannot cast-on loosely for ANYTHING. I might still rip it out and do a provisional CO, as it is very tight on the needles still.) Will keep you updated as I go, but I probably won't get to work on it again until dinner. Jaywalker is my current theater project, and he has been much better since he recieved his letter and we straightened things out.

Alright, off to a YP choreography cleanup, and figuring out how many crew members need to be covered today. And I have to get lunch at some point, too.


Coleen said...

I'd offer to help cover your crew issues, but since I'm on the other side of the country, I don't know that I'll be much help!

Yay for casting on for Rogue! I can't wait to see it!

Coleen said...

I'd offer to help cover your crew issues, but since I'm on the other side of the country, I don't know that I'll be much help!

Yay for casting on for Rogue! I can't wait to see it!