Saturday, January 14, 2006


So, I cast on for the scarf last night, frogged it, came back to it this morning, and, after several rocky starts and a long mental discussion with both the designer (who is now back to being brilliant), and the yarn (now back to it's wonderful soft wooliness), figured out how to do the pattern. I got the base triangles and two tiers done, noticing that the squares were kind of poofing a lot, but figured it would stretch itself out as I worked. Then I realized. My brilliant idea of using just the wraps from the short rows as the picked up stitches was flawed. It DOES indeed make them incredibly easy to pick up. It also forces ten stitches to stretch along the length of yarn normally reserved for just one stitch. There's no way the base rows of the squares can stretch to their proper width this way. Sigh. Back to the frogpond. At least it's a fairly quick process, now that I have the hang of it! Pics will be up when I have something worth photographing! The good part is that I've gotten a lot of practice with the knitted cast on, which I was shaky on before.

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